Saturday, June 28, 2008

Draw Me Closer

Surrounded by You
everywhere I look
every direction

Larger than life

and yet

Much further away
than it might appear.

So much further
Beautiful but untouchable

I think if I could take the height
the steep slope
with no foothold
I would climb for days and days
but still
You would rise up from the distance.

You present Yourself
with that breathtaking grandeur
more beautiful than anything
but so very untouchable.

Is this how Moses felt
in your fiery presence
entranced by your beauty
but burned by your touch?

Is this how You want me to feel
if I were listening as closely
as I wish I could?

Would Your whispers be like wind
sending messages
from mystery
rather than from certainty

This had to be the last place
the best place
the only place
beside You.

Draw me closer
for You are too far away
and I'm having difficulty
believing You.

Please draw me closer in
so that I can hear, feel, know, trust, understand, and believe

the way I did when I first fell in love with You.

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